Web Site Development

Web Site Development

I develop web sites with the end user in mind. All sites are built using current web standards and best practices to ensure an optimal user experience. Sites are built to be responsive, cross-browser compatible, and aesthetically pleasing.

Application Development

Application Development

Applications allow your users to perform a task or activity. I develop applications to be responsive, cross-browser compatible, and functionally sound to provide the best user experience; using todays latest web technologies.

Custom Iconography


Icons allow you to convey a message with a simple image. Custom iconography not only helps your brand stand out but allows you to promote social media without being 'boxed in' by the default icon style.

Resumé Design

Resume Design

"A resume isn't a word document", is some of the best advice I ever received. When applying for a job you want to stand out from the competition. A custom resume can do that while also relaying the important information about you.



Sometimes you just need some good advice from an expert. If you're not ready for a site or application but want to get started, let me advise you on where to begin. I also provide advice on how to optimize your current site or app.



Analytics is the discovery and communication of meaningful patterns in data. Let me help you understand your audience's patterns and the best way to reach them. Analytics is a powerful tool that should not be overlooked.